Thursday, March 24, 2011

State of the Union Speech

Recently President Barak Obama gave his annual state of the union speech to congress. The first thing i noticed in the speech was that the seating of congress was much different than before. Before this speech, the sides of congress were split by party. In my opinion the state of the union speech was one of the most childish things because of the congress. The side that did not have the majority only clapped for things they agreed with, but this year was different.

Here are some of the main points Obama spoke about.


- Obama said that by freezing annual domestic spending for the next five years the country would be able to reduce the deficit by $400 billion over the next decade. He also mentioned that the freeze will bring cuts to like community action programs and military spending. The freeze would cut about 12% of the deficit, which is projected to be something like 6.2 trillion dollars...but at least there is a start somewhere.


- Obama asked millionares to give up their tax break for the good of the country. To be honest i am not sure they should have gotton a tax break in the first place.


- I think that Obama really pushed investing. Such as in innovative things like enviormental, education, and infrastructure. In order to help businesses Obama asked congress to lower corporate tax rates for the first time in 25 years...which is awesome.

Obama also made a bunch of pledges such as:

- Provide 80 percent of Americans with high-speed rail access in 25 years.
- Have 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.
- Have 80 percent of the country's electricity come from clean-energy sources by 2035.
- New investment in biomedical research, information technology and clean-energy technology.
- A continuation of the $4.35 billion Race to the Top incentive program offering competitive federal grants to local school systems.
- "Redouble" efforts to repair America's aging roads and bridges.
- Make a $10,000 tuition tax credit permanent.

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