Thursday, March 24, 2011

Whats Going On in The World (When this blog assignment was assigned)

The big issue in the world right now is the protests in Egypt. In case you live in a box and have no idea what that means, let me help you out. Hosni Mubarak became the Egyptian leader when the former leader was assasanated. He has held power since that day, thirty years ago. During that time, he has acted as more of a dictator than a leader and the Egyptian people are mad. Mubarak was grooming his son, Gamal, to be the next leader but the people of Egypt wanted to vote on the next leader. Through twitter and facebook the people organized non-violent protests of Mubarak. With pressure from foreign leaders, Mubarak stepped down. Before he stepped down, the US had to walk a fine line between siding with the protestors and Mubarak. The protestors wanted a free nation, which the US embodies in democracy. The problem is that Mubarak has been good to the US government on our war on terror.

When it was happenning i thought the best thing for the US to do was to pressure Mubarak to step down, because although there is a fear of the unknown, showing the world that we will help all those people who seek democracy obtain it is more important. Once this happens there is and will be a ripple effect throughout the Middle East that will empower the individual like never before.

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