Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Issues Project - 5/3

Song of the Day: Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus


If you want to learn more about Mr. Kramer and his fabulous work...well your pretty much sh*t out of luck. But he does do some great stuff.

11:42 - hay guys lol ;) im bak

11:43 - To continue my post from yesterday the anaylists first began to talk about the "ticking time bomb theory" this theory is that there is a bomb somewhere, ticking to go off, and the detainee has information of where the bomb is being located that will save the lives of millions of people. I'll put the question really big for emphasis (lol)


11:52 - So i decided to watch the video on Frontline about Extraordinary Rendition, if you want to watch it too, here you go!!!!!! lol

12:02 - So the video didn't work (lolz) and i decided to find more research. I just found a spead sheet, which you can see here. This is a list of known Renditions. One guy jumps out at me, named Rifa'i Ahmad Taha. Taha was detained on his way to Iran from Sudan (where Luol Deng is from, lol) In a military tribunal, which he was not even allowed to attend, he was sentecned to death. Is that legal? Isn't one of the laws you have the right to face your accusers?

12:15 - Okay this document probably has good information in it but its like 3000000 pages...no wonder the people in government fight so much, they have NO lives!! Look at this.

12:23 - This document is really long and i am going to spend some time to end the class and begin tomorrow reading it. Here is a link if you are interested.

TTFN homies. lol

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