Tuesday, January 11, 2011

American Conspiracies: The First Stolen Election

The Incident: On the same day that Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as president, January 20, 1981, Iran released the American hostages it had been holding in our embassy there for 444 days.

The Official Word: The timing was coincidental.

Ventura's Take: Reagan's people had cut a deal with Iran to keep the hostages beyond the presidential election, to ensure that President Carter's negotiation with Iran failed and that he lost to Reagan.

My Take: An hour after Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as president, the Iranian government released all but one of the fifty-two hostages they'd been holding for 444 days. Everyone was happy! The first think i thought of was, wow 444 days is kind of an even number, but that turned out to be me just being paranoid. Ventura says, "What is the Reagan-Bush team cut a secret deal with Iran to hold the hostages past the November elections to make sure Carter had not been reelected to a second term. Would you call that treason?" Again i am shocked by the greediness of people. A group of people want power so badly that they will let people be held hostage in order to sway public opinion?

The secret deal was between George Bush Sr. and Iran's new leader, Cyrus Hashemi. Among massive arms deals, Hashemi received a 3 million dollar check from a Houston based lawyer who was associated to Bush. Bush was to be in Paris for a meeting. The secret service as well as the media say that it never happened. Although there is a 21 hour period missing from the itinerary. CIA contact agent Tichard Brenneke testified under oath that he had heed Bush in Paris that weekend.

What does this mean? To me, this shows how power hungry some people can be. To use 52 peoples lives to win a presidential election is cruel and unusual.

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