Tuesday, January 11, 2011

American Conspiracies: What Really Happened on September 11th, 2001

The Incident: On September, 2001, four airplanes were hijacked on American soil and crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.

The Official Word: The 19 hijackers were all fanastic Muslim terrorists linked to al_Qaeda and its ringleader, Osama bin Laden.

Ventura's Take: Our government engaged in a massive cover-up of what really happened, including its own ties to the hijackers. UNanswered questions remain about how the towers were brought down, and whether a plane really struck the Pentagon. The Bush Administration either knew about the plan and allowed it to proceed, or they had a hand in it themselves.

My Take: I recall being in 3rd or 4th grade when it happened. We were told we could not go outside for recess that day. I was so mad because we always played tackle football when the supervisors weren't looking and it was my turn to be captain. After the school day ended, i remember being very happy because hebrew school was canceled (oh how i dreaded hebrew school.) Looking back i kind of wish i was old enough to comprehend what was happening. I sat in the basement, playing a video game on one TV, while watching the planes hit the second tower over, and over, and over, thinking it was kind of cool.

This is what John Farmer, a Senior Council for the 9/11 Commission who drafted the original report, has to say in a new book: "At some level of the government, at some point in time...there was an agreement not tell the truth about what happened." This is the guy who drafted the first "official" report of what happened!!! If he says it is false then what other evidence do you need?! I do think that people knew of the attack and either let it go or had the attack carried out themselves. My only proof, other than Mr. Farmer, is all of the things passed by the government right after the attack. As Mrs. Kaplan used to say, "Take away my freedom to keep me safe." The scariest piece of evidence was that of Barry Jennings, the city's emergency coordinator. He was at the scene before and after the building collapsed. He went on record and said, "I know what i heard. I heard explosions." The plural part of that sentence makes me scared to go to sleep tonight. I think that 9/11 was truly an act by the government, but i really do not want to keep thinking about it.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with the possibility that the Government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. I think it is something that is plausible but it is something that we as people cannot think about. The idea that a Government would do such a thing to their own people seems ridiculous but also very scary, which is why we must simply not think about it.
