Tuesday, January 11, 2011

American Conspiracies: What did I Learn?

After reading Jesse Ventura's book American Conspiracies I am truly sickened by the actions of our government. While i do understand that i am supposed to take the words in this book "with a grain of salt" the facts are astounding.

The topic that was the most believable to me was 9/11, all these people and facts that contradict what we all heard ten years ago. It is sad that all those people had to die just so the government had more power.

Lets pretend for a minute that all of these conspiracies were all in fact true. That means, in our history, a group of people killed Abraham Lincoln in the name of the south, big business tried to ruin one of arguably the greatest presidents in our history, the government killed JFK, Malcom X was assassinated by our government in fear that he and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr would team up, the government assassinated Robert Kennedy, Ronald Reagan stole the election from Jimmy Carter with an illegal arms deal, the government has been a key player in drug trafficking, George Bush rigged the elections, and the Patriot Act and others were put in place to ruin democracy. Imagine what a world we would live in if that were true.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on this, I read about the same topics and it almost freaks me out to know that this stuff goes on behind all of our backs. It pretty amazing that they can keep all of this so quiet without anyone knowing that is if all of this is true. We probably will never know and I do not know if I want to know. I am 100 percent on your side on this and think our government is crazy.
