Tuesday, January 11, 2011

American Conspiracies: The Kennedy Assassination

The Incident: The assassination of President JOhn F. Kennedy, riding in his limosine in Dallas, on November 22, 1963.

The Official Word: Lee Harvey Oswals, an ex-Mrine and Communist sympathizer, shot the president twice from behind, firing a ridle from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. He was captured later that day in a theater, and killed two days later by Jack Rudy.

Ventura's Take: THe cover-up of what really happened to JFK starts with the Warren Commission's "lone assassin" conclusion, and continues to this day with the help of the big media. A second gunman assassinated the president from the grassy knoll, while OSwald was set up as the fall guy. The perpetrators behind Oswald are tied into the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Mob, along with the right-wing extremists who tried to make it look like Cuba was behind it. Oswald himself was part of an intelligence operation that involved a look-alike "double."

My Take: This was by far the most shocking section of the book for me. The facts are all there. Could it be possible that the government was repsonsible for the murder of a president? "There are two official government reports on the assassination of PResident Kennedy, and they directly contradict each other." After reading this i thought, "Okay, maybe there is a sentence that could be precieved as a contradiction, but he was dead on. (No pun intended, lol) The first report is the Warren Commission Report, which concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald, a MArine-turned-Communist took out JFK on his own, using a rifle. He is said to have taken three shots, landing on two of them; The three shots lasted 6.3 seconds. The second report came out fifteen years later by the HOuse Select Committee on Assassinations (pretty ridiculous committee if you ask me.) This report concluded that JFK was "probably" killed by a conpiracy. It is amazing to me how this report could just slip through the cracks of the national media. Ventura then shows us the physical evidece supporting the conspiracy. He began with a "magic bullet" that moved all around and caused seperate wounds in President Kennedy. According to the book, the bullet appered on a stretcher at Dallas' Parkland HOspital, bloodstain free. According to Dr. Cyril Wecht, former President of the American Academy or Forensic Scientists, when eliminating the "magic bullet" the idea that Oswald killed JFK is thrown out the window.

The next piece of evidence was the witness', i mean there had to be some of them right? According to the book there were eighteen witness', most of them doctors. All of them described a bullet wound that blew away where the back of JFK's head should have been. Shouldn't there be photos of this wound? No. Dr. James Humes, the navy physician who led the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital, admitted later that he burned both his autopsy notes as well as the first draft of his report. Also it was noted that the president's brain disappeared as well.

How does all of this happen? A large group of powerful people with a common goal carrying out a carefully thought-out plan.

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